Ceremony for proxy Jürgen Bleick
25 year at P + S Polyurethan Elastomere GmbH & Co. KG – Competent Partner
Last working week has been closed at P+S Polyurethan Elastomere GmbH & Co. KG. with a ceremony for proxy Jürgen Bleick. In the ceremony the two managers Manfred Heckert and Ingo Becker personally thanked to their proxy for his 25 years company loyalty. Him fees many thanks and recognition for his high commitment for both employees and companies welfare. Bleick began his career as an accountant for the controlling and financial accounting on 1st of june 1990. Since 2005 he carries as proxy significantly to the development and success of the company.
The management trusts him as a competent partner with considerable expertise on which they like to draw - His special interest is the formation of young merchants, for whom he is responsible from the beginning. Since more than 20 years he has worked for the IHK Hannover (Chamber of Commerce) in the Audit Committee. Here too, on behalf of all a big thank you to him was pronounced. From the ranks of the employees, congratulation and many thanks for the cooperation through the years, was given by Works Council Chairman Klaus Riemann.