EAC – certification renewed!
P+S D-series lift buffers – real global players
In addition to the certification for the European Union the lift buffers from Diepholz are also certified according to the American / Canadian ASME A17.1. Even in the rapidly growing markets of Asia, where the construction boom is still unbroken, more and more manufacturers trust in these reliable safety components. The lift buffers made of the diepocell® polyurethane material score not only because of their outstanding technical values but also because of their suitability to tropical climates. The entire D series is already certified for use in China and was also able to fully convince the testing institute in South Korea, so that the buffers can also be used in this area.
Recently, the recertification of the D-series for the Russian-Eurasian economic union (EAC) was pending. The buffers of our D-series have successfully passed the tests required for this, so that these certificates also strengthen the impression of the P + S lift buffers as real global players. Our customers can therefore continue to serve markets in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia in the future and trust in P + S as a reliable and competent partner.
Certificates and declarations of conformity for our lift buffers can be downloaded in the download section of our webpage.
You can find an overview and the property profiles for our polyurethane solutions on our website as well.