30 years Vulkollan at P+S - A success story
In addition to the dedication of the new building, there has been another reason this year for celebration for P+S Polyurethan-Elastomere GmbH & Co KG. For 30 years the company, based in Diepholz, has been cooperating with the Bayer corporation of Leverkusen.
The first contact happened with buffer manufacturing in 1978 and another significant step was the absorption six years later of the Vulkollan-manufacturing of the tyre-manufacturer Veith/Pirelli. To mark their numerous innovative developments, the company Bayer awarded P+S the "Innovation-Award" in 2003/2004.
On the occasion of the "pearl wedding" (30 years) Reinhold Müller congratulated us and said that he had not had experience of many companies, during his 15 years contact with P+S, who had been so innovative. Dr. Noelia Mansilla also expressed her satisfaction with the close collaboration between both companies and thanked P+S for a good and effective cooperation.
On the occasion of the longstanding and effective partnership, representatives of "Bayer MaterialScience" presented
the team of P+S Polyurethane with an award. Both the commendation and award have strengthened the motivation of P+S to maintain optimum development in the field of Bayer-Polurethane in the future.
Report from Lars Herrmann, Photo: P+S
Diepholz, 12/2008